Tuesday 28 January 2014

Maui 2014, Jan.27

Yesterday we drove to La Perouse Bay, it's as far as you can drive in south Maui.
On the way we stopped at Secret Beach, very hard to find the access, lot's of wedding photo's done there.

On tne way we crossed over Maui's most recent volcanic eruption, just over 200 years ago the cinder cone in the picture erupted and the lava flow spread to the ocean.

This side of the island is actually desert and there are some huge cacti.

We keep seeing these cattle egrets, this one is on the hedge by our pool,
I think they are looking for gecko's to eat.

We had the Young's for dinner tonight, had to eat inside because it has turned cool and windy.

Saturday 25 January 2014

Maui 2014 Jan.25

Yesterday was Barb Nixon's last day here and her and Karen came by to give us all the groceries they had left over.
We now have enough booze and food to keep us intoxicated and fed until we leave.
Life is so hard!
Last night was  Fourth Friday in Kihei, they close off a street and have a block party, food trucks and craft stalls.
We went with the Young's and ate some over priced stuff then went to McDonalds for fries and drinks.
Today we met up with the Youngs again and went to Olowalu or 14 mile beach to snorkel
It was fairly calm but the water was stiil cloudy from the storm the other day.
I saw a few fish but it wasn't great.

We had a picnic lunch and enjoyed the sun and water then we headed back to the condo around 1pm.
Saw at least 20 kite surfers in the water in north Kihei, winds are just right for them.

Back home we went to the pool and Karen did her exercises and I swam my laps, up to 6 now and out of breath!

Friday 24 January 2014

Maui 2014 Jan.23

We went exploring upcountry today.
We've been before but still lots of things we haven't seen.
Our first stop after driving up through the sugarcane fields was the Maui Winery and the Ulupalakua Ranch. Try saying that after 3 margarita's!

After a wine tasting at Maui's only winery ( they grow grapes but also make a tasty pineapple wine),
we went stopped at Grandma's Coffee  and bought some coffee to drink and some Maui grown coffee to take home.
 We then went looking for the Kula Botanical Garden's but took a wrong turn and ended up at the lavender farm which happened to be next to big field that was used as a landing site for paragliders.
While watching them ,Karen met a little girl named Matilda who was with her mom waiting for her dad to land. Turns out Matilda and Karan are almost twins, they both have birthdays on Jan. 28. Matilda will be two, Karen won't.

We later found the botanical garden and enjoyed seeing all of the tropical plants and some birds.
They have some protea's which are included in most Hawaiian floral arrangements and there are also a pair of Nene geese that are native to Maui but extremely endangered. There are only about 1300 left on the Island.
After the garden which is at about the 3000ft. level, we headed back down the mountain, our ears popping all the way.
We came home and did some pool time before heading to Bill and Olivia's for dinner.

Tuesday 21 January 2014

Maui 2014 Jan.21

Haven't gone snorkeling again yet,between both uf us having colds and the weather being too windy ,it just hasn't worked out.
We are feeling good now and have been mostly taking it easy, spending time on the lanai or poolside.
Karen is doing a lot of aquatic exercises and is noticing a difference in her legs and balance,I have started doing laps trying to get into some kind of condition.

We went to Barb Nixon's for dinner last Sunday. Her family is staying in a nice big house a few minutes up the road and it was nice to sit down with them all for spaghetti.

Today we went on a whale watching cruise with the Youngs.
It was great, saw lots of whales breaching and slapping and all for just $30 a couple for a 2 hour cruise.

Friday 17 January 2014

Maui 2014 Jan.16

We had planned on just hanging out at the condo today but then decided to drive to Lahaina to check out the Crocs outlet store where Bill had got a deal on some shoes.
While we were there we checked out the Jodo Mission, a Buddist temple that has a 12 ft. Buddha.

Of course Karen used this visit to Lahaina as an excuse to have lunch at Star Noodle.
The chef/owner Simon Simeon was a finalist on Top Chef and we ate there last year.
The food was very good again  and well presented.
After lunch we found the Crocs store and I got some sandals.
On the way back we spotted the shark warning sign near a favorite snorkel spot.
Karen has been saying she will be suspicious if she smells salmon oil in the sunscreen!

Back at the condo it was pool time until we had to get ready for the monthly resort pot luck  Pu Pu Party.
Pu Pu is the Hawaiian term for appetizer.
Nice to meet the other residents and share some food and drinks.
Tomorrow we are off to the big Saturday Swap Meet in Kahului.

Thursday 16 January 2014

Maui 2014 Jan. 15

We went snorkeling a couple of days ago, met Bill and Olivia Young from Nanaimo at Kamaole beach.
Didn't see many fish but it was good to get our feet wet again, so to speak!
It was a hot sunny morning but by the afternoon it had started to rain so we had a nap until the sun came out again.
Yesterday we met the Youngs and Kim and Shane Hagen also from Nanaimo, at 5 Palms for the 1/2 price Happy Hour.
We had a nice time, saw the sunset and were home by 8.

Lots of Humpback whales around, it's their birthing season.
This one was close to shore ,it breached several times and did about 15 tail slaps. 

Today we went into Kahului and did a little shopping then came back and had a swim and sat in the sun on the new pool furniture that arrived yesterday.
We are bothing nursing mild colds and sore throats, seems everyone we know here has the same thing.
We were supposed to go for dinner at Barb Nixon's tonight but they have colds too so we decided to reschedule for next week.

I saw this pair of Brazilian Red Crested Cardinals on a railing nearby, pretty!

Tuesday 14 January 2014

Maui 2014 Jan.13

We haven't done much the last couple of days. Visited with the other people we know from home and lounged by the pool.
We had planned on snorkeling this morning but it poured rain last night which clouds the water so we decided to drive up to Kaanapali .
 We drove past Kaanapali to Honalua Bay to check it out for a future snokel trip, it is highly rated.
The beach is quite a hike from the road through a jungle- like forest.
Karen waited in the car because it was raining lightly and after I had walked for about 5 minutes the sky opened up and it just poured. The trail turned into a stream, I was drenched and decided to turn back because the trail was way longer than expected.
Soaking wet, we headed back t o Kaanapali for lunch. I had to buy a new t-shirt at an ABC Store before we ate because mine was dripping.
We had a nice lunch at Leilani's on the Beach then went next door to explore the Maui Westin  where we had stayed before when Stephen was about 6.
Beautiful koi ponds and waterfalls.
On the drive home we saw a whale breaching close to shore and I stopped to try a few casts off the beach.
Back at our condo our friends Mark and Darlene that we met here last year told us there was a turtle on the beach so I went and took some pictures.
They sometimes come out to rest on the sand, there is a heavy fine for touching one.
Tomorrow we might try snorkeling in the morning then we are meeting the Youngs and Hagens from Nanaimo for Happy Hour at the 5 Palms.

Friday 10 January 2014

Maui 2014

On Thursday,Jan.9 We had a good flight from Vancouver although the 6 hrs seemed longer even though we had an empty seat between us which is really nice. You get some room to stretch and spread out.
Got into Kahului Airport a little early, about 1:50 pm.
Had quite a wait at the car rental but we had such a great deal it was worth it. Ended up saving $400 from our intitial booking and got a better car because they didn't have the type we booked.
We then stopped at Costco which is near the airport and got some supplies then headed for the condo, arrived about 4:30.
We got unpacked and enjoyed our Costco chicken and potatoe salad then watched the sunset.
Met some of the same people that were here last year.
Today, Friday, we went shopping for some of the smaller stuff you can't get at Costco then came back for lunch. 
We bought a plate lunch from Time Market next door which was freshly grilled sliced steak  and shrimp with rice and salad for $12 and was plenty for the 2 of us.
After lunch we had a swim and enjoyed the sun for awhile.
Later Bill and Olivia Young, friends from Nanaimo ,stopped by for a visit. They are staying just down the road from us.
Tomorrow we hope to see Barb Nixon from Deep Bay and her family and her friend Karen.
She is a friend from Cluxewe and is arriving tonight.
The weather has been great, sunny and about 80 with a cooling trade wind blowing.

Yet another spectacular sunset

our beach in the morning