Tuesday 25 September 2007

Poor MickeySept.25

Drove from Eugene, Oregon to Kelso, Washington today.
We had to stop at every Target store on the way because Karen had seen this outfit on the way south and regretted not buying it for Mickey.We bought one in Grants Pass but it turned out to be too small , so the search was on, none of the targets had it till Kelso.
Now Mickey can be humiliated.[it's a fishing vest]
Should reach Seattle tomorrow, Nanaimo the next.
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  1. aaahhhh.....Poor Little Gooey.

    He Looks So Sad....

    And Yesh He Looks Cute...

    I Hope You Dont Make Him Wear That All Day...

  2. Omigod- that is so cute!

    It doesn't look like a fishing vest - he looks like a CSIS spy!
