Sunday 27 May 2012

Travels with Mickey, May 24, 2012

Bowpicker Tuna and Chips
Mickey at the Maritime Museum
Friday, May 24, 2012

This morning after a great nights sleep, we were off to do some shopping for food and booze, drove around Astoria looking at the sights. Had a great lunch of tuna and fries from the local food boat. As good as last year. Our thanks to Frank and Sue for telling us about this place.
Back to our trailer to put groceries away, then off to the beach with Mickey.
Drove the truck onto the beach and walked out to the shipwreck. The ship "Peter Iredale" ran aground in 1906 and is slowly rusting back into the ocean. Checked out some other beaches. Mickey was tired from chasing balls and running on the beach. He was also wet and covered in sand because he had a wonderful good roll on the beach.
Tomorrow we head to Newport Beach on the Oregon coast. We are staying for three nights.
Sandy truck !
The Peter Iredale

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