Saturday 26 May 2012


Thursday, May 24, 2012

Coffee break in Longview Washington
Lewis and Clark Bridge from Washington to Oregon
Well we started off at 6:30am from home, leaving Auntie Lynn sleeping peacefully in our spare bedroom. She is looking after the two cats, Lucy and Molly for the next three weeks.What a lucky girl. Travelled to Victoria to board the Black Ball Ferry to Port Angeles , Washington State, USA. The cost for the truck, trailer and two passengers was $235 US dollars. From there it was a very long drive of 300 miles to Fort Stevens State Park. We arrived at 6:30pm. When we opened the truck door, Karen was swarmed by Mosquitos, bug bait that she is! After a gourmet dinner of soup and grilled cheese sandwiches, we settled down with a few glasses of wine to watch a short movie, then to bed. Tomorrow we will head into Astoria, Oregon.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPadMay

1 comment:

  1. Hi John and Karen!
    We wish you trip will hold a lot of fine days without bugs!
    Looking forward to updating your blog with many beautiful scenes!
