Tuesday 13 January 2015


We drove to south Maui to try snorkelling at Secret Beach but it has a very rocky entrance that required a bit of climbing so decided it would be too difficult for Karen. She could get down to it but might not get back up with her bad knee.
Took a picture of this windmill palm Karen liked.
We decided to go to Kamaole . We sat on the beach in the sun, I snorkeled a bit but the surf was high so Karen opted out.
Stopped at the Kianoli  food truck and got a coconut shrimp plate lunch which was very good then came back and spent the afternoon at the pool.
I think a pattern is starting to develop.
As usual at sunset we were serenaded by the conch blowers.

Mark from Calgary is on the left then Kieth from Comox, then Lee and his wife Gloria from Michigan, they are the leaders, don't know the other woman's name.
So far we haven't seen a drop of rain, big change from last year!

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