Friday 29 May 2009

Day 15 May28 Detroit

Our campsite is by those docks in the distance, beyond the many boats at the Detroit marina.

There are wild rhododendrens growing throughtout the park, we saw them on the coast but didn't expect them up here in the mountains.

We explored a bit of the surrounding area this morning then layed about for the rest of the day. Watched some of our Dexter dvds before bed. Had to turn on the airconditioning, it was so warm.

Mickey kept us awake most of the night, he hears the chipmunks running around outside and it drives him crazy. They scamper everywhere during the day. Cute at that time, at 2 am.,not so much!

By the way, for anyone that isn't aware, if you double click on a picture, you can see it full size.
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