Tuesday 19 May 2009

Day 5 May 17 Beachside and Newport

This morning we drove up to

Newport , visited the old city area. We

heard seals barking so went for a look.

There were all of these sea lions

under a wharf, Mickey took one look

and was terrified, trying to scramble

off the dock. I had to pick him up and

get him out of there before he had a

breakdown! On our way back we saw a small sign advertising a festival of some sort so we

followed the directions and ended up at the Rogue Ale brewery. It turns out

that the owner lost his beloved dog some time ago and started an annual beer

fest- fund raiser of animal shelters and SPCA. For $10 each we each got beer

mug and 4 tickets to sample beers from micro-breweries from all over Oregon . They had booths from dog food companies and stands

selling human food, barbecue and pizza and grilled tuna on a skewer. There were a lot of dogs and they all had a good time, much butt

sniffing done.

After lunch there we headed back to the campground, the fog had moved in and it got cold and damp so we spent the rest of the day in

the trailer after giving Mickey another run on the beach.

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