Monday 21 January 2013

Iao Valley and Ho-okipa

The winds are still blowing hard, ruining any chance of snorkeling ,so we drove up to Wailuku this morning and went to the Iao Valley State Park, about 1/2 hour from here.
It is in the West Maui mountains and was the site of a big battle between King Kamehameha from the big island and the Maui tribes. Very bloody, lots of Mauians slaughtered, Kamehameha won and united the Hawaiian Islands.
There's your history lesson!

In the valley is a 1200 ft stone spire called The Iao Needle.
Coming down the steps from the viewpoint I ran into Norm Shier and his wife from Nanaimo.
He's a retired Telus guy that we have known for years.
Small world.

After we left the park we stopped at a mall for "one last thing" and ran into Norm again.
Exchanged addresses , hope to get together before we leave.
In the mall there were some young kids performing hula.
Always cute to see the little ones that have no idea what to do.

We then drove to Ho-okipa beach on the northeast shore of the island . This is the windward side and the high winds are making big swells for the surfers so we want to have a look.
There is a viewpoint that you can watch from.
The waves are in the 15 to 18 ft range, not a place for tourists!

Back home with another Costco chicken and potato salad for dinner. Yay, no cooking tonight!

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