Tuesday 16 May 2017

May 14 Yellowstone

Sunday May 14, Yellowstone

We had a good night’s sleep and didn’t freeze so the day is off to a good start.

Finally had a proper breakfast of bacon, eggs and hash browns for Karen on Mother’s Day.

We took our time and headed out about 10:45 to see some of the park.

The weather is clear and sunny but cool at 3 °C.

First stop was Old Faithful, about a 45 minute drive .

As we pulled into the parking lot a big bison wandered through in front of us.

There are quite a few in the park but not always where they are easy to photograph.

We went to the viewing area for the geyser and sat waiting, not knowing when the next eruption would be. Nobody else knew either so I walked to the visitor center and found that it wouldn’t be for almost an hour so we explored the center for awhile the went back to wait .

Old Faithful erupts approximately every 60 to 90 minutes.

We had to wait about 1/2  an hour but it was pretty impressive.

There was a huge crowd watching, you can’t come to Yellowstone without seeing Old Faithful !

After it was over we went to the gift shop and bought a couple of souvenirs.

We then drove up the road a few miles to see the Grand Prismatic Spring.

It is a series of hot springs bubbling up and leaving colourful mineral deposits.

It was interesting but there was so much steam coming off the it hard to see some of it.

Once again there were lots of people , glad we didn’t come in the summer when it gets really busy !

Next we drove back towards the campground and stopped at Black Sand Basin.

Lots of small geysers and more mineral deposits and less people.

The temperature is now up to 8 .

By then it was time to head  back and start getting dinner ready.

Tonight it’s spareribs, baked potatoes and asparagus for a Mother’s  Day dinner.

1 comment:

  1. So glad you guys arrived safely! Photos are awesome! So jealous you got to see a bison.
