Saturday 27 May 2017

May 25-26, Williams to Needles

May 25, Williams to Needles

Before leaving for Needles we bought a couple of breakfast sandwiches from the KOA chuck wagon.

Kind of greasy but it beats cooking !

Left about 9 for the 3 hour drive.

The highways in northern Arizona are the worst we have driven on, so many potholes and humps, very rough driving.

We stopped in Kingman for gas and coffee then proceeded on to Needles, California.

As we drove the temperature kept climbing, by the time we arrived it was 40 ° C or 100 F.

Our GPS, Gladys, led us on a bit of a mystery tour getting to the campground resulting in unnecessary stress on my part but we eventually found the place.

We stayed at the Desert View RV Park which was quite nice, private gravel sites divided by tall Oleander bushes.
This sign is on the gate to the pool.

The heat and 30 miles per hour wind made setting up a chore. We were only here one night so I didn’t unhook, just plugged in the power and connected the water.

The wind was like a blast furnace, no chance of sitting outside. I had to hang on to the door with two hands to stop the wind from grabbing it.

We sat inside with the AC on and watched TV for the afternoon as the wind blasted the trailer.

We didn’t get a good night’s sleep, the AC is so loud but when we turned it off the temperature was stifling.

Around 2 am it cooled off enough to turn it off and try and sleep.

At 5 am we were awoken by our neighbor using an cordless impact driver to crank up his trailer jack’s,  sounded like a air tire wrench.

They then proceeded for the next 45 minutes to open and close hatches, slam truck doors  and talk out loud before finally leaving.

So, after all that we were up by 7 and headed off towards Bakersfield, happy to leave the excessive heat behind.
We stopped in Barstow for gas and coffee.

The drive took longer than our trip planner suggested, we arrived at A Country RV Park around 2 pm.

Thankfully the temperature is a moderate 25 and the park is very nice and clean.

Mickey was very happy to have some grass to lie on after several gravel only sites.

Hoping for a good night’s sleep, we are here for 2 nights and are looking forward to a day off without driving , starting to get tiring.

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