Sunday 21 May 2017

May 20 Dead Horse and Canyonlands parks

Karen was feeling better this morning, a little tired and her sugars were sky high after all the sugar she had eaten got into her system.
We had breakfast and headed off to explore Dead Horse State park and Canyonlands National park.
Lots of cattle grazing by the road, these calves kept an eye on us.
they are both about 35 miles north of Moab.
2 buttes named Merrimac and Monitor

The first park was Dead Horse, named after some wild horses that were herded to a narrow point that could be blocked off but that then were forgotten and left to die of thirst within sight of the Colorado river.
Not a pleasant story, but the views of the canyon and river are spectacular.
We ate our picnic lunch at the rim of the canyon near the visitor center before driving and stopping at the various viewpoints.

View of Colorado River from Dead Horse Point

After we had seen it all we drove another 5 miles to Canyonlands National Park.
It also offers some views of the Colorado River but on the other side  is of the Green River .
Amazing rock formations and views looking down from 6000 ft. to the river 2000 ft. below
Looking down at the Green River


After we had seen enough we headed back to the trailer and enjoyed the sunshine.

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