Sunday 29 May 2016

Parma to Nice. May 28-29

After breakfast at le Querciole bnb we started the drive to Nice .
Once again the weather is wonderful, sunny and up to 25°.
The drive through the hills is very pretty, lots of picturesque villages and old ruins dotting the countryside.
After about an hour we were at the Mediterranean coast but we only got occasionally glimpses of it.
Much of the Autostrade or freeway goes through tunnels.
I have never seen so many, I wished we had started counting them.
It started to feel like we were spending half the trip underground at 130 kmh.

No wonder the tolls are so high, to pay for all the tunnels!
Eventually we emerged and were at Nice.
We found our budget hotel and went out to explore the area.
Stephen wanted to find a beach so after the usual few wrong turns we found one and managed to even get a parking spot!
He and I had brought our swim suits and were determined to have a swim in the Mediterranean.
The water was a bit cool but the air was warm so we dove in.
Might not get the opportunity again!
There were several topless women here and there on the beach as is common here.
Tried not to look!
We went to a beachside bar and had a drink before returning to our tiny room to organize our suitcases for the Easyjet flight to London tomorrow.
This morning, May 29, we awoke to light rain but by the time we got yo the airport it was a downpour.
Our flight was late arriving because it couldn't land due to thunderstorms.
An hour late we took off for the 1 1/2 hour flight to London.
It was cloudy when we landed but by the time we got to Stephen's flat the sun was out and it was warm again.
The good weather seem to be following us!
We had only one day with light showers in Paris and a thunderstorm in Milan but we were in the Duomo for most of it.
The rest has been sunny and warm, hot even.

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