Wednesday 25 May 2016

Venice, May 24-25

The drive from Milan went without any serious incidents.
Missed one turn off in a roundabout but quickly got back on route thanks to our GPS.
It took a little under 3 hours to reach Venice, we found the large Tronchetto parking garage and soon were at the vaporetto station.
A vaporetto is exactly like at city bus but on the water.
You scan your ticket and get off at your stop.
We bought 3 day unlimited passes for €40 each except for Stephen, if you are 29 or under it costs €22.
This seems expensive until you know that each single trip would be €7 so it can quickly add up if sightseeing and getting on and off.
Our apartment is near the Rialto Bridge stop so we got off there into throngs of people. The bridge is one of the tourist attractions.
We made our way through the crowds trying to follow the map our BnB host had sent us. We took a few wrong turns in the maze of alleys they call streets or Calles.
While standing on a small bridge on the way  I felt something wet on my bald pate. I had been shat on by a pigeon! Bastard!
We got to our place but were 1/2  hour early for the man meeting us to give us the key so we trundled our suitcases a few feet to a cafe and had lunch.
We met the man who spoke no English but was very nice and he managed to tell us all we needed to know about the apartment.
Very cute place, I suspect it may have belonged to the mother or grandmother of our host.
Very clean and fully decorated and a well equipped kitchen. It looks like someone still lives here but it is now just a rental.
After unpacking we set off exploring. There is a small but well stocked grocery/convenience store only a few feet up the street so we loaded up with wine and water .
Around 6:30 we headed to the small square behind our place for a spritz and glass of wine.
A spritz is a drink made with an  aperitif called Aperol , Prosecco, and soda. Very refreshing!
Many restaurants don' t open until 7 pm and the one we wanted was the same. It was Al Mascaron.
We shared a couple of different seafood pasta dishes then returned to the apartment full and tired.
After a good night's sleep we headed over the Rialto Bridge to the Rialto public market which happens every morning.
lots of fruits and vegetables but the main attractions are the fish stalls selling every kind of  seafood imaginable. Clams ,shrimp, octopus,and fish.
We bought a bag of small shrimp for an afternoon snack, only €8 a kilo, much cheaper than home.
I ran back and put it in the fridge then we all caught the vaporetto that goes all the way to Lido Island and back. Lido is a resort type area with a long sandy beach on the far side but we didn't go there. We stayed on for the return trip with seats in the open stern area and excellent views of Venice.
We got off at the Arsenale stop and had lunch at a cafe on the waterfront, far from the crowds of San Marco square and Rialto.
After lunch we hopped back on to our Rialto stop and came back to rest our feet.

Rested, Stephen and I headed off to see San Marco . Karen stayed behind to relax and shower.

It didn't take long to walk there with few wrong turns and dead ends.

The square is huge and full of people in the hot sun so we did a quick walkabout then headed back. Got lost several times and finally had to resort to Google Maps on my phone to lead us home.

Pictures below;

the culprit that shit on me

Everything comes in by boat

Rialto Market

Church of Santa Maria Della Salute

Postal boat

Chaotic Grand Canal

One of the many beautiful boats

San Marco Basilica and piazza

A vaporetto 


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