Saturday 28 May 2016

Venice to Parma May 27

We got an early start for our trip to Parma.
Got packed and had breakfast then hauled our luggage down the street and caught a vaporetto to the Tronchetto parking garage, picked up the car and were on the Autostrada by 9:30.
It is a 3 hour drive to the Agrotourisima farm we are staying at tonight.
The scenery along the highway in northern Italy isn't as nice as France. A few fields and some old buildings but mostly industrial.
After about 2 hours we were entering the hills and the scenery improved.
As we got near our BnB we decided to stop in a small town to buy some wine for tonight.
Stephen and I went in and the place was totally empty!
We wondered around , found the wine ,then the manager appeared and told us in Italian that the store was closed.
It was about 1:30 and siesta time.
He kindly let us pay him cash for the wine and fished change out his wallet because the tills were all closed.
We then proceeded several miles up a narrow but paved road to the BnB.
Beautiful spot overlooking a valley.
The owners speak no English and there are no other guests so it will be an interesting dinner and breakfast which are included in the price.
It is a very nice rebuilt farmhouse with a separate building next to it .There are  4 different rooms, we have one that sleeps 3 with a double and single bed.
Stephen and I walked up into the field behind the house and through some tall grass and it caused Stephen's eyes to puff up and get itchy .He had a bad allergic reaction to the grass.
We gave him antihistamines and eye drops to help him feel better before dinner which is served around 8 pm.

The meal was excellent, 4 courses starting with thinly sliced pancetta and slivers of Parmesan cheese from the region, next was ravioli with cheese filling in butter, olive oil and Parmesan, third course was braised venison followed  by panna cotta with homemade strawberry sauce.

At the end of the meal, Paulo, the owner, offered us glasses  of his homemade lemoncello made with his own lemons.

We went to bed full and happy.

In the morning we drive to Nice.

Pictures below;

The Querciole BnB

They have horses and a cat!

A church down the road

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